We were founded by renowned fitness trainer and entrepreneur Louis Rennocks. 

With over 15 years of fitness industry experience, it’s fair to say Louis has seen it all. Been there, seen it and done it - is the phase that comes to mind. 

Louis has ridden the wave of most fitness and wellness trends over the last two decades; often ahead of the curve and the innovator himself - Louis knows bullshit when he see its, probably because sold it the first time around… 

Having started and scaled three boutique fitness gyms, assumed a role as Master Trainer at Barry’s Bootcamp training some of the most elite clients on earth, Louis knows a thing or two about how to help clients get results.

Having trained thousands of clients in his time, My Body Mentor is the culminated of over 10,000 hours of experience, Louis has designed a behaviour change programme that works for most people. 

All we ask is that you are committed. Ready to take on responsibility and get curious about your excuses, and reasons ‘why not’ - and we’ll help you reach your goals. 

It’s fair to say there is a reason Louis gets 100% results.

Louis is a rare gem in the wellness industry.

Always approaching his clients with curiosity and care, Louis has a unique combination of empathy and toughness, and leverages this approach with his MBM programme

An entrepreneur whose founded multiple businesses, husband and father of two, Louis is sympathetic to the trials and tribulation of life and knows these can get in the way with sticking to a diet and training plan.

Having faced a huge amount of setbacks in life, if there is one thing Louis gets - its resilience. He always encourages his clients to push beyond their limits and 

Filled with charisma, passion, humour - and kindness- Louis has spent his life helping over get healthier and fitter - and won’t be stopping now. Alongside his coaching endeavours, he is training to become a psychotherapist to further support the life changing transformations of his clients



I’ve been in the industry for years. I’ve seen the influencers come and go. I know all the fads. In fact - I’ve probably created some of them! I know what works and what doesn’t. At MBM we don’t mess around.


MBM is more than a coach. We take a holistic approach to lifestyle - I know this isn’t just about your body. I am here to support you, guide you, but most importantly actively listen to you to help you overcome your challenges


Here at MBM we know real change takes time. We’re here to support you on the journey - through the ups and downs - because we know it takes longer than we think, and is never linear.