Before joining MBM I was feeling overweight, out of shape, and quite frankly I looked like a sad sack of potatoes. I completed a marathon before, so I had a good level of cardiovascular fitness, and I enjoyed running but it made me eat crap. I would load up on carbs because I needed energy, then I would order takeaway because I had ran 10km so why not? I had no clue about nutrition and any muscle mass I had was subsequently depleted. I was scared of the gym because I was clueless - I'd never done any real strength training. I was basically a skinny-fat guy without a structured gym routine or nutrition plan - a disaster to be honest.
Pictures speak a thousand words- so seeing me in photo's looking happy and healthy is a great feeling. My mental health is the best it's been in years, my testosterone levels are through the roof :) and I’m in the best shape of my life! At 35 that’s fucking impressive! I’m so motivated to get bigger and stronger, more educated and I cant wait to see what the next six months has in store.

‘‘I decided to quit alcohol entirely on the day of my first consultation with Louis - I’ve now been sober for 6 months. I feel amazing!’’

Man standing front on to camera, looking unhappy before a physical transformation
Man standing side on with his top off showing off abs



  • Louis supported me from our initial meeting and it has continued every week for the last 6 months. He’s taught me how to train, what to eat, and been honest where I’ve gone wrong and how I can improve each week.

    He’s talked me off the ledge a few times when I’ve been tempted to binge on takeaway or had holidays booked or meals out planned- all his advice has been so appreciated. Also have you seen my photos? Call the man a doctor and be done.

  • MBM has changed my life in a way I never expected!

    I feel more educated with nutrition - counting calories and managing my macros is now totally normal, and now I find myself in the gym knowing exactly what I’m doing. I’m no longer scared or intimidated to workout - I love going to the gym now, it's part of my every day routine. I no longer feel good if I haven't been to the gym or gone for a long walk or eaten something healthy. One thing I love about Louis and the programme is the fact that he’ll tell you to still book that holiday or go out for a meal or have an ice cream, but work for it - get in the gym, go for a walk, choose wisely most of the time but naughty treats are fine in moderation.

  • I decided to quit alcohol entirely on the day of my first consultation with Louis and I have now been sober for 6 months. I feel amazing!