It’s funny I didn’t realise the negative/unhealthy approach I had to dieting and exercising until I started working with Louis. I used to always feel I was relatively ‘healthy’ but really I was in a bad cycle of over doing the two extremes! I would go through periods of being on a really restrictive diet cutting out food groups like carbs and over exercising, doing intense HIIT classes several times a week to the point of exhaustion, not seeing the results… then I would binge eat and slowly stop exercising which subsequently made me put back any little weight I had lost back on. I would be very hard on myself for ‘falling off’ thinking I lacked discipline, beating myself up and getting down about my weight and appearance, then I would think 'time to get back on it'. And the cycle would continue.
Since starting MBM I feel fitter and stronger than ever! Working with Louis has encouraged me to lift heavier than ever before and I feel great for it! Before, I'd have been too embarrassed or self-conscious but now I have a lot more confidence in the weights section of the gym. I  have a much better relationship with food - I'm no longer afraid of any food group. However, occasionally old habits creep back in, but Louis has taught me how to manage them and move past these moments quicker. I’m really happy because I've created new training habits, learnt consistency and become much more active in my day-to-day life.

‘Not only has my confidence grown in the gym its grown in my day to day life, I no longer succumb to peer pressure I used to.”

Woman in a bikini at the beach looking unhappy before her physical transformation
Woman smiling at the camera with her arms crossed showing off her incredible physical transformation



  • One of the biggest things Louis has given me is changing my mindset from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’, which started with training and diet but has now branched in to so many other aspects of my life.

    Louis has supported me through harder times where I may (like we all do) fall off plan and instead of letting it spiral out of control - I can rely on the support from Louis to pick myself up dust myself off and get right back on it (previously I would have give up!)

  • I would say the biggest change in my life is my confidence, I used to always admire the gym girls who wore cute gym sets in the gym and now I am one!

    Not only has my confidence grown in the gym its grown in my day to day life, I no longer succumb to peer pressure I used to, if I don’t want to do something I have the confidence to say no and be unapologetic about it especially if it doesn’t align with my goals.

  • I have a better attitude towards the process - I now understand that I’m not going to get my desired body overnight. Louis said to me early on during the process ‘fall in love with the journey, the destination will come’ and it has stuck with me ever since.

    I’m not always perfect - and still throw wobbles now and then - but I definitely have a better relationship with food and the scales , I no longer have a fear of carbs and worry about not doing enough strenuous cardio. I have a good balance of eating well and being more active overall not just in the gym.

    I’m enjoying the process and love seeing the changes in my body !