Before MBM I'd reached a plateau and really lacked functional strength, particularly in my whole core. After working with Louis - I feel awesome now! I've never been this strong, especially across my upper body and core. What is more - my whole health has improved! I can even see it in my skin and hair which is amazing.

Woman standing front on in a sports bra and shorts

‘‘I thought a coach would be more restricting/grumpy, but Louis was so good at listening to what was & wasn’t working, and being flexible to make it work’’

Woman in black activewear standing side on looking over her shoulder smiling



  • I wanted someone who was going to challenge and push me, ensuring I hit my goals.

    Louis designed a program that did this - but perhaps most importantly he listened to what was working well and wasn’t, it was those tweaks that kept me motivated and hitting my goals.

    My set up was basic - a garage gym - but now I can do pull-ups which I’ve never been able to do! It’s pretty cool showing my four year old how to do monkey bars (with ease) as I fast approach 40!

  • Being strong is awesome!

    And I now believe everything is achievable if you want it enough - even with two tornado toddlers ripping through your life!

  • Just that I am so excited I can do pull-ups!! It is something so simple but so bloody satisfying when you achieve them!