Man standing topless with his arms crossed showcasing his physical transformation
Before working with Louis, I felt a bit of a slob. I wasn't happy in my own skin. I’ve always played sport, but since retiring from rugby last year and becoming a dad I let my own fitness and health slip. I very much had a love/hate relationship with the gym...
Now I have a new lease of life! I’ve never been happier in my own skin. I even think I saw an outline of an ab this week - which has comfortably not been since I was in my teenage years. I really enjoy going to the gym, the structured approach to training, the food I’m can eat and the freedom I still have. I’ve been amazed by the little changes which have had such a big impact.

‘‘The jokes my whole life were ‘dad bod/ shape like a soup sandwich’ and to be honest until now I don’t think I realised how much it got to me. After MBM, I really can’t wait for that first holiday snap’’

Man standing front on to the camera with his top off before his physical transformation
Man standing topless with his arms crossed showcasing his physical transformation



  • His knowledge and encouragement -but also his willingness to listen to my needs enabled me to stay motivated the whole time.

    His no bullshit approach but flexible approach has enabled me to achieve more than I could have wished for.

  • I feel better in myself, have more energy and as a result I am genuinely a happier person as a result.

  • The jokes my whole life were dad bod, skinny fat bloke, shape like a soup sandwich and to be honest until now I don’t think I realised how much it got to me.

    I would always position that drink in front of me to cover my belly or strategically position myself and something when topless. I can’t wait for that first holiday snap and genuinely feel good when I look at myself.