I’ve suffered with body dysmorphia for as much of my adult life as I can remember. Before starting with MBM, I was particularly low in self-esteem, with the way I looked affecting every aspect of my life. I wasn’t enjoying socialising and couldn’t be present with people as I was constantly thinking about my weight and what people thought of me. My clothes didn’t feel good and I was excessively buying new clothes to make myself feel better, and not dealing with the root cause of my problem.
Fast forward four months and I feel a million miles away from the person I was in June when I first approached MBM. I have a confidence I never thought I’d have. I talk about my body in a way that has never felt possible. A lot of the compliments I get from people now is about how happy I seem and how I am ‘nice about myself’ - something I've never done before! We are always trying to teach girls and young women to be kind to themselves about their body, and I finally feel like I have reached that point with myself.

‘‘Louis’s support stretches far beyond what is ‘programmed’ - he’s helped me realise my potential and overcome the limits of my mind. ’’

Woman standing front on to the camera before her physical transformation
Woman in activewear standing side on to the camera with her arm resting on her knee



  • Louis is a wonderful coach and a great mentor. One of the primary reasons I wanted to work with him is because he understands women; how they should train, how they need to fuel themselves, how their bodies are different. It’s so important to understand the difference and I feel like Louis has the expertise to help women on their journey with improving their body without any judgement and the upmost understanding. When I ran out of my first gym session in tears, Louis travelled over an hour to train with me, to help me realise my potential and overcome boundaries that I was setting for myself in my mind. His support stretches far beyond what is ‘programmed’.

  • Originally, I remember saying - I don’t expect to look a certain way or to be able to achieve certain things at the end of this process and Louis asked me why. I just assumed that all it was about was a number on a scale and then I’d be happy, but it really has become a complete lifestyle change for me. I now find myself wanting to achieve those things I told Louis I didn’t expect to. I’m improving every day and I love the feeling it gives me - I’ve had a lot of age anxiety recently but I honestly feel like I’m the best version of myself right now.

  • For me, it has to be that I’m being kind to myself. My husband says the most attractive thing about me now is that I will say I look nice before going out or accept a compliment. The confidence I have gained is priceless. The days of picking myself apart, not wearing a certain outfit because I don't feel good or not going somewhere because I’m worried people will say I’ve gained weight behind my back, are gone!