Before MBM, I was feeling a bit stuck. I wasn't sure where to start back with training after having my child and I had no idea what food I should be eating. I wasn't eating badly as such but I felt quite sluggish and lacking in energy.
Right now though......I feel like a different woman! I sleep better, I have more energy and my body is better than it's ever been even before I had my little one. I know what I'm doing in the gym and feel confident pushing myself. I feel strong and empowered - I feel like a really good role model to my son now - an example of how to take care of yourself and have a balanced healthy lifestyle.

‘‘Louis felt more like a friend... he's not giving you a hard time for having a weekend off..It felt much more supportive and realistic than I expected.’’

Woman standing side on in a sports bra with hands on hips showcasing her physical transformation



  • He was always there for me, on the end of a Whatsapp. He understood what it was like for me having to balance my role as a mum with training commitments and made the goals realistic so I never felt like I was failing.

    He is always so encouraging when i'd send videos or pictures, he really made me feel like I was achieving something and the accountability really helped me stay on track too.

    He's more like a friend. He gets what it is to be balanced, he's not giving you a hard time for having a weekend off or going on holiday. It felt much more supportive and realistic than I expected.

  • Well - my life has changed a lot! Louis encouraged me to put myself first more and think about what was important to me which has been really empowering.

    I have a much better outlook on how I can maintain a healthy training and diet balance which before just felt unrealistic without being restrictive.

    I'm confident that this is a part of my daily life - and I love strength training so much I can't let it go now!

  • Well - I achieved a body i didn’t think was possible after giving birth and developed discipline I didn't think was realistic when you're a mum to a small child.