Before I joined MBM, I was constantly getting injured doing HIIT classes and couldn’t shift my Covid weight. I felt uncomfortable in my clothes and self-conscious in pictures.
But with Louis's help, I've gained back my confidence and motivation. Plus I now fit in to my pre-Covid clothes! Thanks to the structured strength programming included in my plan, I no longer get minor injuries and it has helped me to fix a recurring hip flexer issue. I believe it has even helped me outside of fitness, giving me the confidence back to push myself at work and take challenges in all areas of my life. I am so excited for next year and what’s to come!

‘‘Louis provides you with as much support as you want/need and always checks in to make sure you are ok. He always goes above and beyond...’’

Woman with her back to the camera, in black top and underwear
woman standing side on to the camera in her sports bra, showing off her physical transformation



  • Louis helped me understand the importance of structure and consistency but ALSO that it’s ok to have an off day!

    All the hard work you have put it won’t be undone by a couple of days overindulging - but as long as you get yourself back on track again.

    Louis provides you with as much support as you want/need and always checks in to make sure you are ok. He always goes above and beyond.

  • I definitely feel more motivated and confident. I find myself stepping out of my comfort zone much more - especially at work.

    I am quite hard and critical on myself but I’ve found this has eased while I’ve being working with Louis. I now have a proper structure, see results and can appreciate how far I’ve come.

    It’s not only been great for my physical health but also my mental health which ultimately makes me want to continue with this lifestyle.

  • It sounds silly but honestly, just being able to fit into clothes again after three years of trying on my own is one of the biggest achievements.

    This has loomed over me and had a big effective on my mental health - was never happy with my appearance.

    I also hated getting photographs during this period and would put myself down a lot. So I am thankful for Louis and MBMB, as it’s helped me become much kinder to myself.