Before working with MBM, I felt really tired, sluggish and in what felt like a never-ending negative pattern. I wasn't sleeping enough, I wasn't finding time for workouts, and eating lazily. I also thought maybe my best days were behind me as far as fitness was concerned, and having "pre-kids" fitness goals were unrealistic or unattainable.
Now I feel like I have a lot more control over my physical outlook and any goal can be achieved with a moderated and guided approach. Hope is not lost because I'm in my mid 40s with two kids!! MBM helped figure out where I needed to focus to keep on track, and the changes were doable.

‘‘Louis is very understanding of life constraints as I was worried that the program would require me to prioritise fitness above the rest, which is hard in real life.’’

Woman standing front on to the camera
Woman standing side on to the camera showing her physical transformation in activewear



  • Louis provides honest straightforward feedback in a very relatable way. He is quick to adapt to specific concerns or circumstances such as travel, holidays, illness, but also in a way that keeps me accountable. I wouldn’t have made it to my hotel gym nearly as often if I hadn't discussed with him my plan in advance of trips, and it's ok that maybe the travel workout isn't as "good" as the home workout - it's about adapting and making progress. Having to report back to Louis on a weekly basis kept me honest.

  • I eat a lot more protein, and I have really changed my habits around my daily nutrition. I reach for a different range of foods and snacks prior than to when I worked with him.

    Having a set macro plan I realised how little protein I was eating. My outlook is a lot kinder to myself and I used to be a lot more "all or nothing" in my approach to fitness, which led to good short term progress but then a quick yoyo.

  • While I still struggle with the number staring back at me on the scale, I'm a lot less tied to it than I have been over the last 30 years! I see the progress in photos, and it's not a way I have managed my progress before. It was new to me.