When I came to MBM, I had recently entered my thirties and returned to the UK where I'd started eating out, getting take-aways and drinking alcohol much more than before. I noticed my body was fluctuating a lot, and I was carrying weight in places I hadn’t before like my arms. While some days I felt content about my body, on others I struggled with the reality that my wardrobe no longer suited the recent changes in my physique.
Now I feel great! I feel like I've overcome that daunting prospect of my body ageing. It feels more youthful - in the way it did a few years ago. The concerns I've had about my arms have disappeared, and I feel confident in bringing back my old wardrobe. I've (mostly) ditched the black t-shirts which became my go-to! It hasn't just been about physical changes though - I feel way healthier and have so much more energy than before I started MBM! 

‘‘I've experienced programmess in the past which felt superficial, unsustainable, and almost punitive if immediate results weren't achieved. Louis really stands apart by fostering a genuine connection with his clients to understand them beyond the surface level, to get actual results.’’

Woman in a black bra and underwear standing with her back to the camera
Woman in activewear standing side on to the camera, smiling



  • Louis' approach is refreshing. He's genuine and authentic - making the coaching journey feel exciting. Our conversations transcend the typical "are you following the food plan" or "are you keeping up with your workout" routine questions, typical of other coaches.

    We'd have a laugh, and chat about other factors in my life that were impacting my mood. This was really important to me as various stresses and hormones can have such an influence on my body and motivation.

    Working out *together* in the gym vs standard PT-coaching style helped grow my confidence - that I was strong and could do the same exercises as something with his strength/qualifications.

    I've experienced programs in the past that felt superficial, unsustainable, and almost punitive if immediate results weren't achieved. Louis stands apart by fostering a genuine connection with his clients and understanding beyond the surface level to get actual results.

  • Louis has helped me see that my body can handle tough challenges when I put in the effort and stay determined, and also that it can be whatever I want it to be! I've realised I can take on hard things and I've developed much greater willpower.

  • In October I completed the Royal Parks Half Marathon and I am so proud of myself!

    In the past, my running experience had been about a 5km distance. I'd want to throw up at the end of a Park Run, so the thought of pushing beyond that was madness to me. But after watching my dad run the London Marathon in April, and feeling so proud of him, I wanted to challenge myself.

    During my half marathon - I pushed through to the finish line! Louis provided me with a training plan for the run, but the overall improvement in my health, strength, and fitness leading up to the marathon, contributed significantly to me being able to finish it! It was all thanks to Louis.